Stone Face Ords: Extraterrestrial Disks
BTC Ordinal
Mint phases and allocation:
We have allocated some whitelist spots to a select few communities and through giveaways:
The rest of the whitelist are holders of Stonefaces or Fked passes which you can still secure by buying before the snapshot on December 27th @ 12pm EST
Buy a Stoneface:
Buy a Fked Pass:
All other disks will be up for grabs by the public at 5pm EST on December 29th
• Whitelist can mint 1 per wallet
• Public will be allowed 2 per wallet
•Whitelist start 1PM EST Dec. 29th
• Public start 5PM EST Dec. 29th
333 Stone Face Ords straight from Easter Island entirely inscribed onto vintage and uncommon sats
Yes, Stonefaceords are all pre-inscribed on varying unique sats.
Stone Face Ords will be a hub to bring founders / artists / influencers / enthusiasts all in one place to grant wider accessibility.Holders of Stone Face Ords will be able to use our platform as a launchpad or a way to bring their creation to light infront of Web 3s largest communities.
Digitized by @fkedupart