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Coniun aims to lower the risks while maximizing the gains. # UTILITIES - Coniun Pass holders have unlimited access to our product. - 2 Coniun Passes holders will be whitelisted for our upcoming PFP avatar project ERA. - Coniun Pass holders will be able to claim whitelist spots from the projects that are listed on our product. - Each Coniun Pass NFT comes with a **C-BOX.** Our holders can redeem gifts by unlocking their boxes every week on our website. # C-BOX A **CBOX** can contain; - An NFT from our partner projects - A whitelist spot from an upcoming project - An NFT from the collections chosen by the community - An NFT created by a successful NFT artist exclusive to Coniun owners. - Fragments that can be used to upgrade your PFP avatar ( ERA ) Our product: [](