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The MV3 Universe

“MV3 is the story of a society that has unraveled. It is the tale of ELI TRUST, a brilliant and enigmatic leader who changed the world with his creation of Artificial Intelligence and in the process achieved unimaginable power. Mr. Trust is a product of these questions: When does ambition give way to corruption? Can idealism exist in a capitalistic world? Once you have achieved your greatest dream, is there anything left but the dream of destroying it?” - Lead Creative Jessie Nickson MV3 is us. A community of misfits; trying to find acceptance when others fear and dont understand us. We are bold and imperfect characters in an ever evolving story and universe. We are a space where newcomers are welcome, education is rampant, and community reigns supreme. MV3 is an established and practiced ethos. An approach that equips all users far and wide with the tools needed to navigate this ever changing and wildly fast space. MV3 is much more than a project. It is a story built through community.