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ape mfers

where apes and mfers come together. ape mfers by apetoshi. 🌴 see the [comics]( ape mfers is a 8,888 unit collection that would make even dad proud (hopefully). The collection consists of over 160 unique hand drawn traits spanning various rarities with no two alike. Over 63% of total ape mfers are swinging’ in the staking wallet currently! Actual Owner Count: over 3.4K as of 04/13/2022 🐵 ape mfers can accumulate our utility token (“$JUNGLE”) when staked in our staking smart contract by using our website. $JUNGLE will have functionality within the ape mfers ecosystem as we continue to develop and can only be generated by staking your ape mfer. ape mfers is in the public domain (cc0). Feel free to use your ape mfer in any way you want. [Website]( - [Discord]( - [Twitter](